Back to Harmony Wellness Center is located at :.Collonade Executive Suites 1811 Sardis Road North Suite 207 Charlotte, NC 28270
Update : Office is off 51 toward Mathews. Take left @W. John onto Monroe, go 1 mile, then right onto Sardis Road North. Cook Out Restaurant is on left, take immediate left onto Galaria into parking lot of Collonade Executive Suites. With building on left, drive straight back and look to left for sign in window that says Collonade Executive Suites Suite 207. Please enter front doors and have a seat.
owner: Marielle Friedman 704-877-4844 cell facebook : Back to Harmony Wellness Center
Back to Harmony Wellness Center
1811 Sardis Road North Suite 207 Charlotte, NC 28270 phone: 704-877-4844 cell
Scheduling of appointments is done through an online service of Click on "schedule appointments" on services and rates page of this website, This will take you to my virtual secretary. I am available to speak if you prefer by calling me directly at:
704-877-4844. If this goes to voicemail. it is advised that you indicate specific range of times when you can be reached. If you do not hear back within 48 hours, please calll back to make sure message came through. You can also text me at: (704) 877-4844. Please understand if I do not return calls right away. It is because I am usually at my table and not at my desk.
I appreciate your patronage and look forward to seeing you in the near future. Marielle Friedman owner of Back to Harmony Massage, is now accepting new clients.
Experience Marielle's seasoned healing hands and why clients rave about her signiature customized "Gentle" Deep Tissue/ Aromatheray Reflexology combo, Reiki energy healing, and personally designed sessions, customized to suit each client's needs.
New services offered are: 1) foot scrubs 2) lavender exfoliation for baby soft skin: hands, arms and elbows, 3) sinus relief, & 4) aromatherapy scalp massage; and more - see "electives".
All new services, 10 minutes for $10. These are all very relaxing, excellent for relieving stress, and offer health benefits, including improved job performance.
You may choose these as electives, or schedule 10 minute treatment, with no additional purchases necessary.
Please enjoy Artainment's artistic musical videos, for your listening and viewing pleasure. (adjust volume 1.5 notches less for optimal sound) Video of Marielle's favorite mentor and teacher, Judith Aston can be seen on Services & Rates page.
See specials and offers for first time clients & monthly specials
(offer good for returning first time clients as well..
Welcome Back!)
(one time use for each first time client; referral bonus is renewable)
Gift Certificates Available
(can purchase online)